About co-ops and mutuals

Cooperatives and mutuals make a significant contribution to social and economic development in Aotearoa New Zealand.
co-operatives, mutuals, societies and credit unions in a country of 5.2 million.
[New Zealand Companies Office, 2025]
New Zealand’s top 30 cooperatives (by revenue) generate revenues of approximately 13% of the value of the country’s GDP.

Find out more about co-ops and mutuals, their purpose and benefits, and how to plan, start and run a co-op or mutual.
Co-ops and mutuals understand our collective role on issues that face not only our country, but the planet. We must meet our most pressing social and economic challenges, including energy transition, affordable homes and sustainability initiatives, together.

Grow our economy
The cooperative sector spans our largest and smallest businesses, contributes to export and domestic growth and is collectively a major employer.

Care for place
As we move towards a greener economy and climate resilience, our co-ops and mutuals take the lead on sustainability initiatives, ensuring New Zealand is good for the world.

Financial security
The cooperative and mutual financial sector provides financial and insurance security for New Zealanders, no matter where in the country they are, in tough times and good times.

Serve the community
Co-ops and mutuals give people a stake in their success and profit stays in New Zealand. Co-ops collectively run thousands of community initiatives – vital in regional, rural and remote areas.
Cooperatives and mutuals build a better world.