CEO Roz Henry participated in a Q&A with Coop News discussing what happened in the New...
Cooperative Business NZ provides commentary on a variety of topics impacting our members, as well distributing releases to ensure member-owned businesses remain at the forefront of New Zealander’s minds. After all, over 1.5 million of you belonging to a member-owned business!
Co-operative businesses thriving but opportunities still await
MEDIA RELEASE: Thursday 9 September 2021 Co-operative businesses in New Zealand are thriving and coping well...
New Zealand’s SMEs and start-ups encouraged to consider co-operative model
Rob Kidd, NZPM Cooperative Business New Zealand is encouraging New Zealand’s SMEs and those looking to start...
NZ Co-operatives Ready To Boost Economy In Alert Level 3
New Zealand’s retail co-operatives around the country are relieved they can resume operations under Alert Level 3,...
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