Webinar: Introducing the Mutual Value Measurement Framework©: measuring what matters to cooperatives and mutuals

Join us online to hear from Associate Professor Paul Thambar, Director of the Mutual Value Lab, a research hub within the Monash University Business School’s Impact Labs and Peter Hunt, Managing Partner at Mutuo as we launch the Mutual Value Measurement Framework© in New Zealand.

Webinar: Introducing the Mutual Value Measurement Framework©: measuring what matters to cooperatives and mutuals

Cooperative Business NZ is proud to partner with our sister organisation, the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM), on the launch of this framework – one of our UN International Year of Cooperatives 2025 initiatives.

One of the greatest challenges for cooperatives and mutuals is to be able to quantify and articulate the value that your businesses create. That’s why BCCM teamed up with researchers at Monash University and the co-op and mutual sector to find a new way of measuring our positive impact on your members, your customers, the community, and the economy – the Mutual Value Measurement Framework©.

The framework can be used by cooperatives and mutuals of different sizes across different industries and for different purposes. It is the first methodology for impact measurement designed with and by co-ops and mutuals. Incorporating Mutual Value Measurement (MVM) into your business can help you realise the total mutual value you create, leading to measurable business and member benefits.

Achieving accreditation and the right to use the Mutual Value Mark is an acknowledgment of your strong commitment to the ongoing promotion and creation of mutual value for your members and your community.




“In the mutual world, the way we create value is not always a number but often an experience.”

Lisa Williams, Finance Manager | Civicrisk Mutual


Check out the Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative MVM case study


“At Unimutual, we used the MVM process to identify the mutual value that we are creating for our members. The leadership team had the opportunity to sit down and identify what our members value. The six dimensions gave us a structure to look at how that value is created. Working with Mutuo, we’ve embodied MVM as part of our strategic performance framework and identified the key measures that we want to consider on an ongoing basis.”

Geoff Henderson, Chief Executive Officer, Unimutual