Co-operative Leaders
Discussion on co-operative governance, sustainability reporting and requirements, leading with impact, and resilience during a time of change were all front and centre. A big thank you to the KPMG team, in particular partners Ian Proudfoot, Simon Wilkins and Charles Ehrhart for leading the discussions; the KPMG Impact team; IoD’s Auckland Branch Chair Ross Buckley for facilitating the governance panel discussion, and the business thought-leaders who shared their insights Greg Gent, Janine Smith, David Jackson, Nicola Shadbolt, Timothy Gibson, Angela Huxford, Todd Charteris, Mike Brown, and Rob Kidd.
We must do better: Report findings from KPMG
As part of the presentations, Ian Proudfoot spoke to the KPMG “We must do better: Cooperative Business New Zealand ESG and Sustainability Report 2022” which was released on the day.
A valuable piece of work, this report provides insights into where New Zealand businesses rank in terms of ESG and Sustainability reporting. Unfortunately, the results paint a less than ideal picture, with New Zealand ranking 38 out of 58 countries in the 2022 KPMG Global Survey of Sustainability Reporting.
This document covering New Zealand’s co-operative businesses in particular, reveals how they compare to New Zealand’s top 100 companies and discusses what more can be done.
Lots to think about, and lots to action going forward. It’s a pleasure to work so closely with this business community. Thanks to all who took part!