I’m sure like myself, many of you have woken up with mixed emotions. We know we’ve been here before, some businesses hit harder than others. So, we know we need to dig deep to keep the wheels turning and lights on!
Cooperative Business NZ would like to offer support in whatever way we can over this period. As a starting point, here are some key links that you may find useful:
– Unite against COVID-19
– Alert Level 4 | What to do at alert level 4
– Doing business at Alert Level 4
– COVID-19: Locations of interest | Ministry of Health NZ
– Mental Wellbeing For You & Your Workplace — Mentemia
– Open Minds E-learning (a free online resource for managers to support their teams with mental health)
– Access to wage subsidies
– Freight movements: All freight can continue to move at this time. Information will be updated accordingly on the Ministry of Transport’s website here.
In terms of events that we have lined up – we will keep a close eye on the situation and defer or move online any events that are impacted. Keeping our members and their communities safe is a priority and we will be in touch with anyone impacted by changes, should they occur.
Co-operatives are well suited to tackle times of adversity. In fact, many are born out of such times. The recent business award nominations from many of our members clearly demonstrated the resilience of the co-operative model.
At Cooperative Business NZ, we are committed to ensuring you, your members and your teams are well supported and your voices are heard as we navigate this together. We will continue to share relevant updates. If you would like to see these, you can follow us on LinkedIn here.
As always, feel free to contact me at any time, my line is always open.
Take care everyone, in co-operation / kia kaha,